This recipe is for semi-experienced soap makers. Be sure to research before jumping in. It is not something to be taken lightly. Lye burns, and keeps burning unless rinsed with Vinegar and then cool water!
Be sure to wear safety gear, protective safety glasses, long sleeves and long rubber gloves, and work in a very well ventilated area. Have an open bottle of Vinegar within arms reach at all times in case of a splatter on spill. Vinegar neutralized Lye. Clear the room of pets and children.
Here is where I first learned the room temp method then modified it (below).
"You don't heat any oils and you don't check temperatures using the room temperature method. This is now my favorite method by far!!
What could be better than being able to make beautiful soaps without having to use any heat source? How about no long waits for the oils and lye to cool...or worse, cold water or ice baths to bring down temperatures. And no thermometers!
It's fast, easy, efficient and in my opinion, much more fun.
These basic instructions on how to make soap using the room temperature method assume you have already read about sodium hydroxide safety.
The Room Temperature Method
Prepare your soap mold and measure out the additives such as scent, colour, botanicals or any soap bits you may be using and set them all aside.
Weigh out and place all hard oils (butters, coconut oil, palm oil, tallow, lard, etc) into your soaping container.
Weigh out the liquid oils and set them aside as well.
Prepare your lye solution by first weighing out the water and then the sodium hydroxide. Slowly pour the sodium hydroxide into the water and gently stir until the crystals dissolve.
Once the lye solution has become clear, you can slowly pour it over the hard oils in your soap pot. The lye solution will be very hot and that heat is what will melt your hard oils.
Gently mash the hard oils down into the lye solution with your whisk and slowly stir until the hard oils have completely melted.
It may take awhile but be patient and keep gently stirring.
Add the liquid oils to the soap pot and whisk together.
Using your stick blender, mix the soap batter in short bursts alternating with hand stirring until the soap reaches a thin trace.
You can now add your scent, colour and other additives. Blend and pour into your soap mold. Cover the soap, wrap and insulate until the soap gels.
Easy, peasy and you're done!"
You are done, but the soap will still need to cure 4-6 weeks or more. I take it a step further so I can use the soap right away. I do not like to wait for my creations to cure!
If you use a large Crock pot set on low heat after trace, put the lid on and let it cook for an hour or so (stirring every 15 minutes to cook evenly) it will go through saponification right in the Crock pot. Be sure to pH test it before scooping into molds. Hp Soap is normally lumpy, and a lot thicker than CP soap. I found the secret to making it smooth and creamy just like CP! Add a teaspoon of sugar to the lye water and increase the water by 5-10%. It will take a little longer to trace, but well worth it! See for yourself below.
Bayberry Cinnamon 3 Layer Soap with oxides for coloring, Hot Process soap made in the Crock Pot. Smells wonderful! Enchanted Rain Soap by Sunflower Acres
Thanks for the tutorial! I have not tried the RTCP method before, but I have read about it. Maybe I should give it a try someday!